I Love The Internet PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 19 August 2005 16:00
Often while surfing the net, I will look for other sites pertaining to RV stuff and I have discovered that there are a lot of them out there. One day a couple of months ago, I discovered rv-links.com, a fabulous site with links to tons of valuable information. I emailed them to see if they would link up to our site but I hadn't received a response. Yesterday I resent my original request in the event that my first request had for some reason never reached its destination. I am pleased to say that I received a great letter from the site owner, Chuck Woodbury, who sent my request to the editor, Malia Lane. She, in turn sent me a letter to let me know that she was linking our website and it can now be found under  "neighbours".

Since then Malia has also sent me some information about her website, maliasrv.com, and imagine my surprise to find another RVer with views about life, similar to mine! So far, in my exploration of her site, one immediate difference between us is that she actually does her traveling solo, the driving and the maintenance, however she makes a lot of friends along the way. I am grateful to share my journey with Rick and have the security of his care and companionship but I admire the incredible courage Malia has to do it alone. I am looking forward to corresponding with her via email and perhaps meeting face to face in the not too distant future.

As I write this, the hour is late because I have spent the past several hours browsing through her first site (she has two others) and from it I am learning how valuable my journaling has become to me. It is extremely therapeutic and it is the one thing that I am consistently accountable for. It is also a great reference library for both Rick and I to remind us where we have been and when we were there. Malia has been on the road since 2001 and has had some pretty remarkable experiences, which she has been brave enough to share. It's good to know that even though we are parked in my sister's yard right now, we can still connect with other "fulltimers" via the net.
Today we went to a local ploughing match and I photographed this beautiful Belgian mare with her colt.